What does it feel like to be the true me?

One year later after many small steps.

It started with a broken back. Then I noticed a whisper that I tried to push down, thinking… it’s midlife crisis kid.

And you’re not a kid anymore. Get serious.

Then I put on my entrepreneurial wings.

I bombed so hard into the side of a mountain of ‘doing’ the business that I lost myself, again.

So I surrendered.

Waved my white flag.

Stopped the bleeding and started to heal by doing nothing.

All these obstacles, mistakes and failures were there for a reason.

To break me free from the illusions.

The illusions that my contribution was based upon what I can Be to be worthy to others, and the world.

The illusion that I had to be a powerful force.

When the truth was, I already am…

Illusions get created by drifting away from your heart.

When poets call out, “return to love” and you say, “but you don’t have to pay a mortgage or support a family.”

I realized my illusion was based upon conditions that I created:

  • I believed that was too old to learn acting.

  • I believed that acting is too competitive.

  • I believed that I wouldn't make money or support myself if I was an actor.

You may not be an actor.

And yet, You are a creator.

What are the conditions you've created that hold you in the world that makes you feel less like you?

A life without your heart guiding you through it.

Do what you do with love because that’s your true nature. That is who you are.

And this is only one thought away.

Today's essay inspired by Richard Wagamese, "Embers. One Ojibway’s meditation."


How to know when it’s safe to spend your time and attention.


Making a stand for Meditation