How to Increase Strategic Awareness

Knowing when and what changes you want in your life is vital. How can you increase awareness of that skill?

I always think of the stock market when I analyze this skill. It becomes a huge barrier because I can’t comprehend what others do to work within that system.

Until I took the time to talk it through with someone who had the mind for it, I was able to understand.

But life is about knowing when to make a move.

Learning about life’s patterns is part of trying to live your life.

Like watching the tide, the stock market, or traffic patterns...

You want to know when to make a new shift because it’s essential to to make the right move at the right time.

Things to include in your life to build Awareness:

  1. Regular Self Reflection exercises: Who are you? Do things that let you see who you are. Increase your awareness of your identity. Not what you think you need to make a life. Find out who you are and build acceptance and awareness.

  2. Become Mindful: Do you pause for 5 minutes, to let yourself be still? This allows you to become more present in the moment. You'll notice patterns, emotions, and thoughts.

  3. Set Goals: Build on who you are by trying new or old things. It’s not what you do it’s how you do it. Setting a goal helps build the neuroplasticity in your brain. When you fail you win. When you win you win. Everything you try builds on helping you to succeed and support you in your future goals. (You can’t Fail!)

  4. Seek Feedback: The Harvard Business Review offered the best and efficient way to gain personal growth. They suggest that you send 9-10 people in various parts of your life the one question, “when have you seen me at my best?” Feedback can also be safe. By listening to what others say about you, allows you to deepen the traits that you are unaware of being.

  5. Stay connected to your body when you feel discomfort: Don’t ignore it. These emotions can signal that something in your life may need attention. This develops the muscle to shorten the time it takes to pivot and redirect your energy.

  6. Stay open and listen: Practice conversation without having an answer. This let’s you be curious. There is so much power in letting conversation unfold.

  7. Stay loose with your Values: Be aware of your hard and fast rules of life. Play with ‘what if’ and let go of fixed ideas. No one wants rules that create a lawless society. Yet, when making your own decisions it’s important to be flexible.

  8. Map your behaviour: Do you know what actions or emotions that come up that hold you back? Note it. Don’t judge it. Create awareness around it. Often becoming aware is enough to make a change.

  9. Make smooth transitions: Build on some of the skills listed above. You'll start to notice your choices become smooth. Why make earth-shattering moves when things become ‘the next right thing to do’!? Small steps look like big action when you build on your life skills.

  10. Hire a coach: If you think you can’t hire a life coach, then you’re probably right. Coaches will show you the mirror of truth and aid you in transitions. This helps you hop to the next level. Most transitions stall by erroneous beliefs and get in the way of making a smooth transition.

  11. Change your circle of influence: Check who you want in your life. The best way to make changes is to change your social environment. But the key is to make small shifts. Don’t jump into the big pond without testing the waters of the amateurs. Those amateurs will be the people who grow with you and form your social network as you all rise together.

All these types of activities build on your intuition to make the right move at the right time. This skill strengthens through becoming more self-aware. Taking action in your life becomes easy. These skills help make navigating your life with less struggle.

Work with a coach, mentor or advisor to increase your strategic awareness today.


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