Are You Asking The Right Question?

You’ve asked yourself, “is it Mercury Retrograde?” and think, of course! But then what happens?

In most cases, it’s the next thought that is the most destructive.


  • I’ll eat the whole pint of ice cream,

  • I’ll have another cigarette,

  • I’ll [insert pre-emptive action that you didn’t second guess], etc.

What is the next right question?

One influence I’ve studied is the Byron Katie question:

Is this true?

One small question I ask myself after every idea that pops into my head. And believe me, I still get really bad ideas or thoughts. So this little question is what saves me every time.

Is it true?

I’d like to think that it’s not a judgement of my thoughts because thoughts don’t have any other purpose than to keep you comfortable or safe.

What I want, and I’m wondering if you want to discover, is to connect with the creative part of me.

The person who puts their personality and energy into expressing what truly matters. And that’s what is on offer when I ask myself, “Is that true?

When You ask this question, you’re creating awareness between what is the small you versus the big connected you.

The small you is someone who asks their higher power, “What do you want from me?”

The bigger you is someone who asks the Universe, “What do you want of me?”

Work with a coach, mentor or advisor to quickly increase your connection to your bigger You today.



How to Increase Strategic Awareness