This isn’t meant to go viral -

Because it's personal.

If you could look at life moment by moment, you can expand your opportunities.

As I’m a third of the way through the run of the play, Murder on the Orient Express, I have been practicing a new way of thriving. 

Instead of only surviving.

It’s this new concept that’s been around for a while but hey, I’m a slow learner.

Called, living in the moment.

This came about because I was afraid of jumping too far ahead and thinking about the end result. The opportunities and sense of accomplishment with the show.

The intention I hold is to keep each live performance as it's one and only. I’ve sunk into this pocket of living moment to moment.

Everyday is an opportunity, my mother always said. And here I am discovering how to live it now!

  • It’s not trying to be special,

  • It’s not trying to gain influence and power,

  • And it’s definitely not about being worth 6-7, no 8 figures!

Because a true soul knows you’re priceless!

Knowing that life is where you point yourself is the gift that you bring.

Remember the story about the tortoise and the hare?

Most of my life was caught up in performing my jobs/careers like I was a dancing to prove myself. 

Like the energizing bunny...

No real guidance.

Until I learned how to be the tortoise, I didn’t know true how to find fulfillment and joy.

Because these traits are learned through internal validation. 

You'll discover internal validation through self-acceptance and self-forgiveness and self-love.

This is the practice.

Then you'll discover what you’re here to be to then make a contribution to the world, your community.

I lived a life of seeking validation through the work I choose to make that contribution.

Today, I discovered a healthier way and a more loving way by paving my life path. I know who I'm here to be, then I chose the role I’m here to play. (Pardon the pun)

Part of my role is to be a guide to help you.

If not today, then please feel free to visit my other inspiring sources via Instagram or Facebook or TikTok.

“All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players” - Shakespeare



Do you want to be a guide in your workplace?


How to know when it’s safe to spend your time and attention.