Who’s driving your life?

Ease up on the Habits driving you and discover how you want to live your life.

First - Accept yourself as you are.

I am learning:

  • To develop my health and I know 60%

  • To develop this new creative lifestyle and I know 40%

  • To communicate in a loving relationship at 75%

Courage to be disliked

“People are going about trying to improve themselves when they can experience this in a new way.

By acknowledging that there’s no 100% perfect or perfection.

Actively acknowledge that there isn’t perfection. That is contribution to your community.

One should focus on what is one born with and differentiate between what can be changed and what can not be changed.

Then go about creating a life utilizing all those unique gifts and practising on how to improve what you can.

Focussing on what one can change and not what you cannot.

This is what is called self acceptance.

It takes courage to live a life of trying to change what you can and accept what you can’t.” - Kishimi & Koga

Your tasks

  • Focus on who you are.

  • Accept what you’re here to be.

  • Give to those who you call your community.

Letting go of what isn’t your business is the key to happiness.

Striving to be better is your only task because it makes your community stronger. It moves others to be better.

Sometimes those task are inspiring.

Sometimes they’re painful.

It’s the intention that matters. Not the habits.


A Relationship


There’s science behind the human experience.