You can read this as a love story but it’s all types of relationships.

I have discovered I’m a relationship expert!

And it makes me laugh my butt off because I’m the last person I would believe.

There was a time in my life where I was drawn into the drama of interpersonal conflict. I didn’t know how to deal with them because of poor role models.

I grew up in a conflict zone in suburban Canada. Inside my home.

So how am I such an expert now?

It takes a mind that knows it has consciousness.

No, I was not hit over the head and woke up with this new awareness.

It happens in an instant. The instant you realized you’re experiencing your thinking.

In conflict, you may become aware that someone is doing something that needs to change.

Let’s say, your big idea, or cause, is so great and you’re 100% in the right. And you say to yourself, “They’re wrong. They should be doing it the right way. Our way.” And, “they’re headed for disaster.”

And in feeling this thought, you try to tell them and they don’t listen.

And then you decide (another thought) to not do your job well so you can disrupt their belief.

You think you’re doing the right thing.

You think everyone can see how wrong they are, and

you may even tell them.

But all you’ve accomplished is the perception of looking bad at your job. And as an added bonus, the person who you’re attacking is getting all the sympathy. Because you’re disruption is dragging the project down.

So how can you change them?

By not listening to your wacky thoughts. 

Which thoughts? 

The one that you think, they need to change.

The solution: “Chop wood and carry water.”

You get more power when you’re good at what you do and contribute to society, instead of hiding your gifts.

It’s not your fault.

Everyone starts out in their life as the centre of the universe.

You needed to tell people without words you needed:



sleep, and

your butt wiped.

Then you needed to interact with others and this is using the thoughts you created. 

No wonder kids are cruel! They haven’t learned that these thoughts are not reality.

These thoughts are your movie. They’re self destructive because it becomes what you believe.

Beliefs are not real.

If you want a different relationship with others, then you have to change your thinking.

Change your thinking to ‘community thinking’ and you can persuade the masses.

What is community? - Making a contribution in society.

Be who you’re here on this planet to be. You get this life experience once. Make the most of it. So choose what to think.

Stay with your own beliefs and feelings and you change no one.

Bottom line, you end up looking bad at your job and no one will listen to you.

And if they do follow you, they’re headed to the same dead-end.

This being the dreaded ‘group-think’. ugh!

The deadened feeling isn’t serving you. And changing this feeling only happens when you’ve had enough.

Are you tired of trying to be right?

Or, do you want to change the world?

Changing the world through relationships comes when you live your own life.

Not trying to prove your worth to others.

Because getting a life and living it changes the people around you.

  • You garner respect.

  • You grow your expertise.

  • You gain recognition.

And the best part, you don’t think about how it happens.

You become the thing that changes people in your vicinity because you have a voice people want to here.

You radiate and make a difference.

The more you’re in your life the more the world becomes whole.

And the less it becomes the you who is powerless, alienates others, and something to prove.

This is “be the change that you want to see in the world - Ghandi” and influences the next generation.


Sometimes, it’s that simple


Insights from a 27 year old friend — from a midlife woman