Insights from a 27 year old friend — from a midlife woman

One thing keeps me ahead of my peers is the ability to keep persevering. 

But In my final act to create a stable and secure world I faltered. Even I still get caught off guard.

It didn’t make sense until I went through a marathon of life experiences.

So hold on, and trust what I whisper to you now…

“One day you’ll have more than a job and a social circle to manage. You’ll find yourself with a career, a mortgage, decorating or renovating, a lover, a pet or a child — or all of the above. Then every waking moment is about someone else or thing.” — Anonymous

Then the challenge becomes having enough courage to live your life.

Are you noticing any of these distractions and false highs:

  • Alcohol or drugs

  • Pornography

  • Gambling

  • Shopping

  • Working

  • Eating

  • and, anything streaming/scrolling social media (where did that hour go?)

“Whenever I have to choose between two evils, I always like to try the one I haven’t tried before.” — Mae West

Habits should not own you, you should own the habit.

One way I started to reclaim my life was to take back the first hour of my day. (Now it’s 2–4 hours depending on the goal.)

This may be a reason you procrastinate? For me, it was life altering and a satisfying victory. Sure, I have to take the dog out for a quick pee squirt but then it’s back to my morning ritual.

Feeding your soul first makes you a better person in your life and increases your ability to be with others in a genuine way. 

Pick a ritual, a habit, that you’re curious about and wanted to try. Something that if you could have in a another life you would try. Perhaps it’s a buried calling that you shoved aside, like I did.

Tip: Don’t take the morning ritual so serious that you get frustrated if you forgot or give up in the moment. Keep coming back! Do it as soon as you remember, and then start again the next morning. Maybe your ritual isn’t a morning thing, but it’s easier in the early quiet moments of the day.

I used a life coach to help me stay on track. My coach helped me through the tough parts and uncovered more of the root of my procrastination. 

I found myself so caught up in my career. I was so stubborn that it took a car accident to stop me in the struggle of a job I didn’t love.

Quitting may not be for you but in my case it was a pivotal choice.

Fast forward to my life as a performance artist: writer, actor and Impro theatre™ etc…

In this new world I find myself in, I have made friends with people almost half my age.

Two things have happened:

  • the opportunity to heal a part of myself by seeing the world through their eyes, and

  • I ignited a passion for my life without stuffing it down with food, alcohol or work that doesn’t provide an outlet for this passion.

Most of my friends are burnt out and holding on to do another 15–20 years before they can retire. And do what? No plans, just speculative ideas they haven’t tried yet. And you know where that could lead… Nowhere.

Doing nothing is not a life.

Although you need to have a job, they can condition you to be in service for someone else.

My 27 year old friend reminded me that I used to ask the world the same question, 

“What do you want of me?”

The real question is 

“What does the world want from me?”

Spend time inside your soul. Look for all the ways you want to express your life. This answers the second question.

Every time I answer that question myself, I giggle inside and clap my hands because:

  • I get to call the shots because I use the expression of who I am in everything I do, and

  • if they don’t want me, it wasn’t meant for me.

If I don’t expression myself in this way, from the inside-out, then I won’t find the places that I am meant to be.

You were already made whole and valuable the moment you were born. Nothing to prove to anyone! You have the map already inside of you. Open the door and do the work.

If you haven’t had the mentorship in your life that is without bias, then have a listen to my show.

Secrets Your Mentor Never Told You

My hope is for you to discover this concept.

If you express yourself from the inside-out, then you’ll find your tribe, your gifts, your passion.

No more holes in your heart to fill.

This is true liberation.


You can read this as a love story but it’s all types of relationships.