SECRETS 03: Distractions

Underneath all the distractions is something truly amazing. Taking a moment to find your life, one that is fulfilling and meaningful and happy, takes one small act of courage. Let me whisper courage in your ear and possibly a secret.


00:54 Then stop doing all the extra things and do what you know to do to get what you need.

01:22 I spent a lot of time in the space of distraction. I mean, I'm calling it a distraction, but it's really

02:00 Addictive behavior.

03:43 And I'm learning a lot Outside of my bubble

04:12 What does my heart tell me? What is the feeling that I want to have every single day? Because the only person who will let me have it. Is me.

04:16 Finding the big need is a spiritual awakening

05:14 The reflected best self exercise

05:44 I changed the rules a bit

If you deny yourself that big need, you’ll be spending many hours of your life missing out and filling it up, because it will be filled with things that aren’t relevant.

SECRETS 04: The Village of Calm
